2024 Fundraising Drive

2024 Fundraising Drive

$737.73 raised
7.37% towards goal of $10,000.00
Rush Limbaugh. Sean Hannity. Mark Levin. And worse.

You know the names…unfortunately. 

For decades, anti-worker propagandists have dominated radio airwaves. More recently, divisive misinformation is spreading throughout podcasts and social media. The traditional mainstream media is corrupted by corporate influence. The impact can be seen across the South.

Where are the voices of workers? Where are the voices of unions?

Bosses have their media. Working people should too.

What if we pushed back on harmful narratives and corporate bias? What if everyday people in the South heard a message of working class solidarity, a message of power through collective action and organization, a message unapologetically by and for the diverse working class majority?

With your help, we can seize this moment!

The Valley Labor Report, Alabama’s only union talk radio show and podcast, has grown by thousands of listeners since its launch in 2020. The program airs on four radio stations. All this content is also broadcast via YouTube, Facebook, and podcasts. Clips are released throughout the week on our channels. And our website, TVLR.FM, features regular written content including our newsletters “Last Week in Southern Labor” and “Boss Watch” that can be delivered straight to your inbox. 

We provide all of this content and more for FREE because we want to reach as many working people as possible. As a grassroots media project, we rely on individual donations and labor friendly advertising to pay for the costs of broadcast and production. We are grateful for the support we’ve received. However, if we’re being honest, most months it is a struggle to break even.

We think Southern listeners deserve to hear from rank-and-file workers, labor leaders, activists, organizers, scholars, journalists, and more on the working class experience. If you agree, please support our effort.

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