Fallen Firefighters Memorial

Fallen Firefighters Memorial

The Tucson Fallen Firefighters Memorial is located outside the main entrance to Fire Central in downtown Tucson, featuring a life-sized bronze statue of a firefighter, created by local artist and former
Tucson Firefighter, Paul "Oly" Olesniewicz. The statue gazes across the site looking at the granite wall,
while holding his helmet over his heart, in honor of those who have fallen.

The granite wall stands at the far end of the monument and is engraved with the historical milestones of the Department and the names of those who died in the line of duty in service to Tucson. In front of the wall stands a second bronze statue of a firefighter turnouts, symbolizing the uniform in which they died. The walk-way surrounding the monument is paved with personalized commemorative bricks purchased by members of the community.

Visit the Tucson Fallen Memorial website - https://www.tucsonfirememorial.org/

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