2023 Convention Registration

2023 Convention Registration

Hello and welcome,


OFFICERS- please register or have your respective state org register for you (only do this one time if you are member of BOTH the MSFA and the MSCOPFF please).

This years convention in Bozeman will have a early bird registration amount of $300 Per Delegate. After April 15th the Price will increase to $350. So register NOW!

Also if you are bringing a guest to the banquet they will be $60. There is a separate registration for them.

Lastly if you could indicate on your registration if your spouse/guest/family will be participating in activities during the day, that would be wonderful.

To the Montana State Council of Professional Firefighters and the Montana State Firemen's Association, This is to Certify, that at a duly constituent meeting of the Local Name and Number entered below, held on the date entered in the Date Constituent Meeting Held field below, the following members were elected to represent the above named local in the State Council’s Convention at Fairmont Hot Springs, Montana, July, 2022.

In Witness Wherof: Local President and Secretary entered in the form below.

The Montana State Firemen’s Association allows five (5) delegates per local or department.
The Montana State Council of Professional Firefighters allows delegates based on size. 
Locals with:

  • 1 to 25 members- 2 delegates, 
  • 26 to 50 members - 3 delegates, 
  • 51 to 75 members - 4 delegates, 
  • 76 to 100 members - 5 delegates, 
  • 101 to 125 members - 6 delegate

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