Membership Dues

Membership Dues

Quarter 1 dues are due December 31st and incur fees after March 31st  
Quarter 2 dues are due March 31st and incur fees after June 30th 
Quarter 3 dues are due June 30th and incur fees after September 30th 
Quarter 4 dues are due September 30th and incur fees after December 31st 

Any late payment will incur a $30 reinstatement fee for EACH late Quarter. 

To Pay Late Dues: 

Select the "Custom" option for dues payment. Add $30 per late quarter to the dues amount you are paying. 

If you pay your dues late without adding the reinstatement fee, you will be billed via mail, and your dues will not be considered paid until the bill is paid. 

If you are unsure how much you owe, please call the hall (715-341-2696)

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